Password Rules

The registration, profile and password reset forms use the same set of password validation rules. You can add new rules to the array from the filament-startify.php config file:

| Custom Password Rules
| Set an array that's compatible with the Filament Forms rules() method.
| Rules for required and confirmed are already set. These rules will
| apply to the My Profile, registration, and password reset forms.
| If \Illuminate\Validation\Rules\Password::class instance
| fits more your needs, look inside the documentation.

'password_rules' => ['min:8'],

Alternatively you use an instance of Illuminate\Validation\Rules\Password::class for validation, you can register new rules from the boot() method of your AppServiceProvider:

use Illuminate\Validation\Rules\Password;
use DevelogixPackages\FilamentStartify\FilamentStartify;

public function boot()
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